'Batman’s OFFICIAL Workout from “The Batman Files” - I tried all 7 days!'

Posted Jul 9, 2023

'What should I try next?!  This footage is from May 2017. I totally lost interest in posting all of it back then, and recently decided to re-edit and post it just for fun. I\'m neither a pro fitness guru, nor a pro YouTuber so this isn\'t a polished influencer-type video. But I hope you enjoy it anyway! I haven\'t seen anyone else try this thing for a whole week, so I really do hope it inspires someone else (more fit than me!) to give it a shot!  The Batman Files Workout:  The original Batman Files Workout can be found here: https://romanfitnesssystems.com/articles/batmans-trainer/  Note: this is THE most official and detailed \"canon\" Batman workout. It\'s NOT what some actor purportedly did to train for the role and it\'s NOT a random fitness person\'s OPINION of how Batman would train. Instead, it\'s THE most complete workout that appears in the Bat-literature.  I tried it for seven days straight with two huge modifications: 1) no skills (kata, target practice, etc.) and 2) a shit ton less weight and volume of reps/sets than specified.  It all made for a terrible workout, but I still had fun!  0:00 Intro 0:59 Day 1 9:01 Day 2 14:02 Day 3 18:17 Day 4 22:32 Day 5 25:25 Day 6 29:57 Day 7  Day 1:  30 min. jog Clean-Squat-Press (technically not a Clean & Jerk) 5 sets of 3 reps @ 115 lbs. 5 sets of MetCon circuit: 1/4 mile run, 21 KB swings @ 35 lbs., 12 pull-ups  Day 2:  30 min. jog 3 rope climbs (15ish feet) 30 min. gymnastic ring work (pull-ups and dips) and bar muscle-ups 5 sets of 12 high box jumps (didn\'t fully stand up on box) 5 sets of 30 crunches  Day 3:  Deadlifts: 5 sets of 5 reps @ 245 lbs. Deadlifts: 1 set of 30 reps @ 145 lbs. (with breaks) 1/4 mile swim  Day 4 \"Off Day\" lolol:  10 mile run (with some walking and stopping)  Day 5:  Squats: 5 sets of 5 reps @ 225 lbs. 1 hour of indoor rock climbing/bouldering 5 sets of 30 crunches  Day 6:  30 min. jog Clean & Press (technically not a Clean & Jerk) 5 sets of 3 reps @ 115 lbs. 5 sets of MetCon circuit: 1/4 mile run, 21 KB swings @ 35 lbs., 12 pull-ups  Day 7:  30 min. jog Squats: 5 sets of 5 reps @ 225 lbs. 5 sets of 25 pushups 5 sets of 30 crunches 15 minutes of bar muscle-up attempts 1/4 mile swim  Thanks for watching!' 

Tags: superhero workout , batman workout , batman training , batman files workout

See also: shoulders , core , fitgirls , Groupon Website , kinect , lan , teen bodybuilding , dp fitness , �guzman � , resistance band workout
