'The Romanian pull. Fitness - Improve with Marta'

Posted Jul 23, 2021

'Romanian pull deadlift  this is one of the most effective exercises designed to develop the hamstrings and buttocks, so it is recommended for both men and women.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Weight Training (Hobby) , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , Fitness (Media Genre) , strength , biceps , training , SPORT , press , health (industry) , Bodybuilding (Sport) , delta , Muscle (Anatomical Structure) , Fitness And Figure Competition (Sport) , Physics (Field Of Study) , Improve with Marta , Supplementary exercise , trapezium

See also: dumbbel , physical fitness , boxing , glutes , ku , shredding diet , workout challenge , mr. , quick workout , karaoke
