'Jessica Ann Fitness - Booty Workout with Frank Torres'

Posted Aug 5, 2021

'Hey Everyone !!! This video is a short video of the actual booty  workout , which took approximately 45 mins. For each exercise , I did 2 sets , so in order for you to get the most of this workout you should definitely do the two sets for all . I felt the burn immediately and could barely even balance myself as you can see in the video, so do what you can and remember to stretch and most of all, have fun !!!!!!  Special thanks to Frank Torres for showing me these awesome exercises, I will definitely be implementing  them in my future workouts !!!!!    Frank Torres: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoN4ge5oe-YKgghksD2YIVw https://instagram.com/frankt33 https://www.facebook.com/F3FIT https://twitter.com/f3fit  Video Productions by http://NeilJouProductions.com  Song: Valcos - A New Light [NCS Release]  Music provided by NCS: https://youtu.be/o_v9WSImGIU Download: http://NCS.lnk.to/ANewLight Artist: https://www.facebook.com/ValcosEDM  Connect with Jessica Ann ➢ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbE2ZFoVvUVCHl6U7TJm_hA ➢ https://www.instagram.com/jessicaannartistry/ ➢ http://www.facebook.com/jessica.martinez.90813 ➢ http://www.snapchat.com/add/jessannlove ➢ Makeup: http://www.jessicaannartistry.com/' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , butt , squats , fit , booty , spiritual , fitnessinspiration , jessica ann , jessica ann artistry

See also: Dance fitness Routine , sport maison , love sweat fitness , sn , weight loss journey , technique , carbs , days , healthy snacks , dia
