'3 Tips To A Bigger Chest Natural Bodybuilder Metroflex Athlete (Christian Guzman)'

Posted Aug 25, 2021

'Facebook.com/OfficialChristianGuzman Twitter.com/GuzmanFitness  My name is Christian Guzman, and I am a 19 year old college student. I have been working out for about five years. The majority of the past five years have consisted of strength and agility training. Recently, I have invested a lot of time educating myself about building muscle, shedding fat, \"bulking\", \"cutting\", overall nutrition, and supplements. In the future I hope to open up my own group training gym offering which will offer different styles of training tailored to my client\'s interest. I am in the process of getting a modeling portfolio together with the hope of getting my name out there. I am really looking forward to answering any questions you guys have, so email me any questions or videos you would like to see at Christianguzmanfitness@yahoo.com' 

Tags: Workout , exercise , loss , weight , bodybuilding , full , muscle , chest , fat , biceps , routine , power , out , max , triceps , lift , lossfat , Traini

See also: � new , max , discount , topnotchidiots , tips , EGZERS , knackarsch , bikinifigureabnehmen , workout tips , fitness transformation
