'When it comes to building muscle from home, sometimes you need to think outside the box and find new ways to stimulate your muscles for growth. That doesn’t mean your workouts have to be complicated though. In fact, it can be as simple as grabbing a gym towel. Rob Riches here from Blue Star Nutraceuticals and today I’m going to show you how you can get an amazing full body, muscle building workout in, using just a towel and a bit of open space on a smooth floor. This is The Towel Trainer: Full Body At-Home Workout! Let’s get to it!
Tags: full body workout , full body home workout , status , rob riches , testosterone booster , blue star nutraceuticals , rob riches home workout , towel trainer , full body towel workout , test booster for men
See also: sch , �burn , Boot , 10 minute workout , fat burning workout , teen bodybuilding , bikini body , gente Fitness , dance routine , home workout