'20 Minute Dynamic Fitness - Fat Burner Vol 2'

Posted Sep 23, 2021

'This 20 Minute Fitness Fat Burner works your entire body and specifically focusses on CV.  The workout is split into a Burpees Pyramid and CV focussed exercises.  The focussed exercises are split into 20 sec on and 10 sec off whilst the Burpees are for the full minute.  Round One: 1. 1 Pump Burpees 2. Walkouts with Hip Taps 3. 2 Pump Burpees 4. Squat Tuck Jumps 5. 3 Pump Burpees 6. High Knee Sprints 7. 4 Pump Burpees 8. Mountain Climbers 9. 5 Pump Burpees 10. Lunge Jumps  Round 2: 1. 6 Pump Burpees 2. Walkouts with Hip Taps 3. 7 Pump Burpees 4. Squat Tuck Jumps 5. 8 Pump Burpees 6. High Knee Sprints 7. 9 Pump Burpees 8. Mountain Climbers 9. 10 Pump Burpees 10. Lunge Jumps  I hope you enjoy the workout and please leave any comments that you would like to answer as I will get back to them all.  Have a great day and stay focussed on your goals!' 

Tags: home workout , bodyweight workout , hiit , fat burning workout , hiit cardio , fat burning cardio , full body hiit workout , hiit workout for fat loss , burpees workout , fat burning exercise , over 40's military fitness , female fitness motivation over 40 , beginner fitness workouts at home , 20 minute fitness , NBGAF , Burpees Nation , fat burning cardio workout , 20 Minute Dynamic Fitness , easy workouts at home to lose weight fast , callisthenics dynamic skills , hiit workout with weights

See also: motivational , John cena , Fitness Strength Fitness , Travel , weight loss workout , knackarsch , I ll , deals , insan , egzersiz
