'Protect your health improve fitness'

Posted Sep 28, 2021

'Your fat loss and BP obsession is a Big mistake. I\'m sure many people would start a revolution if they knew they real reason they felt so crummy a lot of the time. Look It\'s not your age, amigos That\'s what you\'re told, of course. So, you start to believe that you just have to accept that life-sapping, soul-sucking, body-wracking drain as normal. The truth of the matter is just about everything they blame on your age is, more often than not, a side-effect of your medication. Those muscle aches? Meds could be the culprit. Upset stomach? Painkillers are a likely cause. Bloated?might be the enemy. Spacey and absented mined? Well, that could be just about any of them. But probably no meds interferes more with your quality of life than blood pressure meds. They can cause you to feel fatigued, dizzy, anxious, and forgetful. And they could trigger everything from headaches to falls. Yet most people’s take them without question. And not just for blood pressure, either. There\'s another  claim they use that would scare the pills Into anyone. But the latest research reveals it\'s nothing but a myth. Keep active regular exercises and healthy diet protect your health. #abs #core #workout #training #fitness #exercise #cure #physique #wellness #nutrition #weightloss #mentalhealth #therapy #bodybuilding #active #strengthandconditioning' 

See also: Q A Video , prote , these , health tips , BR , booty workout , cardio workout , group. , wrestling , poids
