'This is a crazy time and I\'m sure that a lot if not all of you don\'t have access to a gym. With that being said today, I am going to be showing you a great way to crush your chest, shoulders, and triceps with just bands. The best part is this can all be done from the comfort of your home. Make sure you check back tomorrow because I will be doing a Push Pull And leg workout all with yes bands. For more at home workouts checkout my amazing playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNAUreWTt_Sg9DvgFlEGhFULnfJoBFs9K If you want to get the best bands on the market you need to head over to eliteFTS.com and make sure you tell them Mountain dog sent you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Member website: https://mountaindogdiet.com/ Supplements: https://granitesupplements.com/ Discount code - MDYOUTUBE10 IG: https://www.instagram.com/mountaindog1/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnMeadowsPage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you like the video share the video and subscribe to the channel. And if you would like me to answer any of you question please ask them in the comment section. #AtHomeWorkout #NoGymWorkout #BandWorkout'
Tags: home workout , at home workout , 20 min at home workout , no gym workout , full body at home workout , how to workout at home , jeff nippard at home workout , push at home workout , at home workout with bands , band only push workout , band only workout , at home workout john meadows , at home workout athlean x , what do to if your gym is closed , how to make gains at home , elitefts bands workout , crazy push workout
See also: Beard , physical , ki , hot , met , navy seals , To , squat , Morning routine , serie