'Ring Fit Adventure Extra Fitness Final Boss and Credits'

Posted Oct 24, 2021

'Final boss fight of the Extra Fitness New Game Plus mode of Ring Fit Adventure. Completed without smoothies and without needing to heal. I was 30-40 levels higher than recommended to the fight, but that\'s just through playing the game normally (no grinding). As a result, no smoothies were necessary and the healing skills that I assigned didn\'t get any use. Completed on difficulty level 30.  I was interested to see that the credits are different to the first set you see. There were extra voice clips of Ring and the pull and push on the ring-con made drum rolls and cymbal crashes rather than changing the music like the first time round.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , best , final , transformation , healing , ring , adventure , fit , Battle , Secret , hidden , transform , boss , Dragon , Ending , level , cutscenes , 30 , specs , second , cutscene , credits , finale , final boss , stadium , ring fit adventure , Ring-Con , Dragaux , Extra Fitness , speedrun , New Game Plus , NG+ , joycon , max difficulty , gla , difficulty , finalia , drageaux , last boss , final cutscene , no smoothies , level 30 , dragaux stadium , dark influence , ending 2 , second ending , no healing , damageless , speckxz

See also: total body , iMovie , your club your snap , prendre des fesses , wit , motivational , morning workout , resistance band , Fe , box
