'I have decided to give away some small fitness gifts as a thank you for people watching and supporting my channel and with the hope to getting a few more followers on my channel. Official Giveaway Rules: The give away will be nice and simple and there will be two steps RULES TO ENTER 1 - MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 18 2 - MUST HAVE A UK POSTAL ADDRESS FOR PRIZE TO BE SENT TO (2nd class Royal Mail) HOW TO ENTER INTO THE GIVE AWAY FIRST being - YOU WILL NEED TO BE A SUBSCRIBER TO MY CHANNEL SECOND being - YOU NEED TO COMMENT ON THIS VIDEO WITH YOUR ANSWER TO THE QUESTION I WILL ASK EACH DAY If you have done these two simple tasks you will then be entered into that days draw, the winner will be picked before 10pm each night in the next nights video and then you will be contacted ASAP for details to send your prize to. then the next question will be asked for the following days draw and then it will repeat the same process right up till Christmas day which will be the final give away. If the winner decides they don\'t want the gift for some reason, that gift will then be rolled over to the following days draw. All prizes have been brought by me with my own money nobody has giving me this prizes or sponsored me in this give away and YOU TUBE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS GIVE AWAY, THEY ARE NOT A SPONSOR OF THIS GIVE AWAY AND ARE RELEASED FROM AND AND ALL LIABILITY RELATED TO THIS GIVE AWAY ANY DATA THAT IS COLLECTED FROM THIS GIVE AWAY WILL BE DELETED ONCE USED TO GET THE PRIZE TO YOU, NO DATA WILL BE COLLECTED OR PASSED ONTO A THIRD PARTY. This give away has followed YouTube’s contest policies and guidelines please click on the link below if you would like to see you tubes contest and policies and guidelines https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1620498?hl=en please have a look at YouTube Community Guidelines - entries which don’t comply will be disqualified from the give away please see link below https://www.youtube.com/intl/en-GB/about/policies/#community-guidelines Also please follow YouTube Terms of Service. link below https://www.youtube.com/static?gl=US&template=terms'
Tags: iMovie , christmas giveaway 2019 , gym giveaways , fitness giveaways 2019 , fitness giveaways , gym giveaways 2019 , 25 days of christmas giveaways , 25 days of christmas giveaways 2019 , 25 days of christmas fitness giveaways 2019 , 25 days of gym giveaways , 25 days of christmas fitness giveaways , 25 days of gym fitness giveaways 2019 , 25 days of gym fitness giveaways , 25 days of christmas giveawys 2019 , 25 days of gym giveaways 2019 , gym fitness giveaways
See also: life , 100 , toning , booty workout , harmelen , truth , �back workout � , cassady campbell , flexible dieting , And