'By Mike Holman, JD, CPT This is the second circuit of the TC-65 Strength Training Workout, a total body workout I created for my wife, Sherry. The second circuit is similar to the first circuit. For those of you who would like to review the first circuit, here is a link. The TC-65 Strength Training Workout is very good for someone who is on a budget and has limited space. Here are the exercises in the second circuit. Kettlebell squats Medicine ball curls Medicine ball triceps extensions Medicine ball shoulder press Kettlebell upright rows Pushups Dumbbell flyes Prone bridge Physioball pull over using medicine ball Medicine ball side to side Bicycles You can vary the intensity of your workout, by increasing the weight and decreasing the rest period. Start from where you are and progress in small positive steps. Sherry started the TC-65 Strength Training Workout with eight repetitions for each exercise, lightweights, and little or no rest between sets. She has been doing the TC-65 Strength Training Workout for 18 months, and is now doing 20 repetitions for all exercises, except the stomach exercises and push-ups. Sherry does 24 repetitions for stomach exercises and 26 push-ups. Sherry goes though both of the TC-65 Strength Training circuits every day with no rest between sets. It takes her about 20 minutes. When she is done, she goes outside and rides her bike for about 20 minutes. When she started riding her bike, she only rode it for about 10 minutes. During the last 18 months Sherry has lost about 20 pounds. She combines exercise with mindful eating. TC-65 stands for Take Command 65. Sherry was 65 years old when she started doing the TC-65 Strength Training Workout. If you are 25 and want a more intense workout, add weight and variety to the TC-65 and call it the TC-25 or try Scott Overholt\'s circuit in this link. Make healthy lifestyle choices, i.e., exercise regularly, become a mindful eater, and don\'t smoke, and lead a longer healthier life. The converse also is true.'
Tags: Workout , exercise , strength training , physical exercise , Circuit Training , senior fitness , Take Command
See also: resistance , ta , Muskelaufbau , shilpa s yoga , body , bungee , cuisse fine , gains , how to lose weight fast , back workout