'LIVE 360 VR Video. ZUMBA FITNESS Zin Academy Madrid 2018.'

Posted Apr 19, 2023

'This is a brief sample of a LIVE 4k 360 VR video we did for  for Zumba fitness in Madrid last March. Now we are able to switch and live stream up to 48 hours of VR 360 video with our new Orah i4 camera systems.' 

Tags: zumba fitness , 360 video , live 360 video , live VR 360 video , live 360 production company spain , zin academy , zumba 360 video , zumba fitness 360 video , live 360 even video , zumba fitness VR 360 video. , Zin academy VR 360 video , music event 360 VR video

See also: model , ejercicios de tonificacion , Shredded � , bradleymartyn , cuisses , Mobilisierung , MMA , cassady campbell , kids , platinumfitnessgym
