'My Fitness Pal Building Your Network with Like minded people'

Posted Jul 19, 2023

'1. Facebook - Send Invites to FB Friends that are on MyFitnessPal but your not connected to them yet on the MyFitnessPal system  2. Message your FB Friends that are on MyFitnessPal to see if they are still on a weight loss journey and INVITE them to your next Free Challenge Group on FB  *  Message - Hey (        ) I just logged into MyFitnessPal and realized      that you were on there also, are you still trying to shed some weight.       UGH the struggle is REAL :-) but i have found it\'s easier when I am      connecting with others that are also on the same journey.  Hey I\'m         doing a FREE Group on FB in January focused on Clean Eating     Recipes, Motivation and Simple Workouts.   I promise it\'s totally     FREE and please don\'t feel obligated but it will be a lot of fun and     you\'ll get the chance to also connect with other women that are    working hard every day to lose some weight and get fit. We keep     each other on track :-) Would you be interested in JOINING us?    3. Friends of Friends on MyFitnessPal - Send Invites to Connect to Friends of your Friends on MyFitnessPal    * Message - I\'m New to MyFitness Pal and see that we have several        friends in common. I love connecting with like minded people and      help each other stay accountable and motivated.  Are you still on a      weight loss journey?   4. Find Members Search for New Contacts on MyFitnessPal similar to your Women, Age, Geography etc.   Message and send them an INVITE to connect on MyFitnessPal      *Message - I\'m New to MyFitness Pal and see that we are both from      \"City\"  I\'m a Mom on a journey to lose weight and make healthier     choices.  I\'d love to connect and help each other stay accountable    and motivated.  Are you still on a weight loss journey & using     MyFitnessPal?' 

Tags: training , social media , coach , MyFitnessPal , Networking

See also: x box , India , Muscula , Pump , coach , best supplements , platinumfitnessgym , cassady campbell , HAREKETL , faze clan
