'The Robert Pattinson Batman Workout'

Posted Jul 23, 2023

'Hello Everyone, This is Robert\'s Workout Routine that helped him pack on lean muscle to prepare for his role in Batman. Down below is the article and workout where I found my information. -Enjoy  https://www.menshealth.com/uk/fitness/a35163817/robert-pattinsons-batman-workout-diet/  Circuit training Bicycle Crunches 3 sets of 10 Dumbbell Side-bends 3 sets of 10 Double Crunches 3 sets of 10 Superman Holds 3 sets of 20 seconds  Running 5km 3 to 4 times a week  Outdoor Fitness Sandbag Side Throws 3 sets of 10 Sandbag Throws 3 sets of 10  Boxing 3 sets of 20 seconds' 

Tags: robert pattinson , robert pattinson batman , robert pattinson batman workout , Robert Pattinson the Batman workout , robert pattinson workout , Robert Pattinson Batman Workout Routine

See also: cycling , circui , strength training , gymshark , morning , Beard , active fit , pecs , life , sexy yoga
