'Listen as Shannon \"The Cannon\" Hudson explains the philosophy behind the 9Round workout. ▶ SIGN UP FOR A FREE WORKOUT - http://9Round.com/start ▶ SUB OUR CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/9RoundTV Thanks for all the support! Go ahead and subscribe to our channel. Do it NOW! ▶ THE 9ROUND WORKOUT - The ultimate 30 minute, total body, boxing/kickboxing circuit! We don\'t waste a minute of your time. It\'s the END of boring cardio & the first workout is ALWAYS free! ▶ INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/9roundofficial ▶ OUR FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/9RoundOfficial ▶ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER - https://twitter.com/9Round'
Tags: fitness , Workout , hiit , interval training , Circuit Training , boxing , kickboxing , 9round , Shannon Hudson
See also: katie dunlop , lowe , ring fit adventure , easy workout , �burn , wie , perfect , best supplements , woman , dance music