'Is your 9Round club closed for the 2017 9Round World Convention? Your owners and trainers are here with us learning some awesome new skills and drills to bring back to you! While they\'re out, we\'ve got another fun at-home workout for you! Do each of the following for one minute: 1. Jumping Jacks 2. 1 Push Up, 5 Tricep Dips 3. 5 Punches, Switch Stance, 5 Punches 4. Round Kick, Front Kick, Side Kick (in the air) 5. Uppercut, Opposite Knee, Opposite Hook 6. Superman Burpees 7. Crab Position Punches 8. Mountain Climbers 9. 10 Slow Bicycles, 10 In-Outs Enjoy this workout!'
See also: Physique , fitness routine , 2017 , katie dunlop , at home workout , deadlift , anytime fitness , burn , trending , best