'Coach Decker\'s Stay Home Fitness Challenge - How to Stay Healthy and Improve Fitness at Home'

Posted Aug 21, 2021

'Coach Decker\'s Stay Home Fitness Challenge - How to Stay Healthy and Improve Fitness at Home'

'In last month\'s blog, I suggested a 30-day fitness challenge. (Here\'s a link to that article: https://coachdecker.com/a-30-day-challenge/ )   Little did I know then that before the end of March, we’d be self-quarantining at home to manage and mitigate the effects of a worldwide pandemic. COVID-19 has had an enormous impact on all our lives, and I know we’re all feeling the impact of having our normal routines impacted in such a significant way. I decided to create a home fitness challenge!  As we set out for April, health officials agree, the best practice is to exercise as much “social distancing” as possible and shelter at home to the degree we are able. Consequently, all fitness facilities are closed by executive order of our Governor, Doug Ducey, and he just announced the closing of all Arizona schools for the remainder of this school year. I anticipate our Studio-Dojo will remain closed for the duration of April, and we will not be holding any group classes this month. Sorry!  We can’t take a month off from our health and fitness, however, so what was only a suggestion last month is now your Coach Decker Stay Home Fitness Challenge; this is an assignment for my students. I’ve got a complete, get started, and stay active, at-home program for you that’s going to not only keep your immune system healthy, you’re going to be in better shape because of it. I’m going to show you how to get stronger, lose weight (if that’s your goal), and improve your overall energy, all from a safe social distance, using technology and the internet.  I can give you a challenge, but only you can accept it. I can give you the steps, support, and lots of encouragement. But you will have to do the assignments; daily assignments; 30 of them. There will be a reward at the end, however. For all current students (members) who complete all 30 assignments will receive $60.00 in Coach Decker “Dojo Dollars” that students (members) can use to purchase Coach Decker merchandise and supplies from our Studio wholesale suppliers.  Let’s get started together on this home fitness challenge! Read more about it on my blog here: https://coachdecker.com/stay-home-fitness-challenge-how-to-stay-healthy-while-social-distancing/' 

Tags: home fitness , 30 day fitness challenge , Social distancing , Jump rope workouts , Shelter at home , Stay home fitness challenge

See also: perte de poids , Muskelaufbau , creatine , functional training , challenge , resistance band workout , Groupon� 惠券代码 , stevewilldoit , lo , pecs
