'CTN Prays for You! Rob and Lori Evans of Christian Fitness'

Posted Sep 20, 2021

'CTN Prays for You! Rob and Lori Evans of Christian Fitness'

'We want to thank you for your prayers... and remind you that we pray for our viewers too!  Blessings on each one of you!  http://www.ctnonline.com Watch more videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/CTNonline  CTN Christian Television Network produced program and recorded in Clearwater, Florida.' 

Tags: Live , church , Christian , truth , TV , God , Jesus , Jesus Christ , Holy Spirit , testimony , Believer , baptism , Christian life CTN , Christian Television Network , Christian television , Truth about Jesus , Truth about God , Christian Principles , Christian Doctrine , Bible teacher , Apostles , Believers

See also: zyzz , Class , fat burning , �fat , cardio , �guzman � , �exercise � , � extreme , platinum fitness Medellin , chris hemsworth
