'Aspire Fitness and Mary Davies Challenge you. We believe that for every year younger than Mary you are, you should be able to do 1 extra squat. To work out your target number of squats you must subtract your age from 83 (Mary\'s age) and then add that number to 43 (the number of squats Mary did). For example, a 50 year old must subtract 50 (your age) from 83 (Mary\'s age) giving you 33 years difference. You must then add 33 to 43 (the number of squats Mary did) which would give you a target of 76 squats in 1 minute. Mary Davies has been training with aspire fitness for 5 years. Previoulsy she had not undertaken any form of structured exercise plan!'
Tags: fitness , challenge , With , squat , Mary , Aspire , Davies
See also: online coaching , advertising , Kräftigung , tabata , k 1 combat , �back workout � , Health , motivasyon , easy workout , �hiit �