'In this video, we complete the game\'s final world, World 69, and watch the ending for a third time! Yes, this is seriously the ABSOLUTE ending of the game. Even with all of the stages cleared, there doesn\'t seem to be a World 70 at all. Dark Dragaux was still as much of a joke as he was the first two times, to be honest. This Playthrough will have one last video dedicated to the Catalog in its entirety! Once that\'s over, I can say with 100% certainty that I\'m finished recording this game. I know you all like to joke around about me being an indestructible deity or something when it comes to this game, but that\'s certainly not the case. Because of my lymphedema (immense swelling in my left leg that unfortunately can\'t be 100% cured), I had to be very careful recording this game. Multiple squats at a time (and very strenuous exercises such as the Mountain Climber) required me to lower the strap and move my leg rhythmically. Also, after recording this world, I was POOPED. My arms felt numb, I was sweating buckets, and my legs were super shaky. I always make sure to have water around and to stop whenever I feel like I can\'t go on, though. I\'m glad that I made it to the end, and I\'m happy that you viewers followed me to the end.'
Tags: ring , nintendo switch , ring fit adventure , Ring-Con , Dragaux , Allegra , Armando , Four Masters , Guru Andma , Abdonis , Fitness Master , Dark Dragaux , World 69
See also: band , pl , press. , lo , 10 minute workout , musculation , bulking , personal trainer , Der , Fitness Strength Fitness