'▹ The RESISTANCE BAND MUSCLE BUILDER Workout Program is for: https://trxtraveller.com/product/resistance-band-muscle-builder-program/ (Intermediate - Advanced Level) Designed to focus solely on building muscle. High neurological overload drop set techniques to shock the nervous system and exhaust muscle fibres leading to growth and body sculpting. Structured plan teaching specific exercise intent and band execution technique ▹ The RESISTANCE BAND MUSCLE PUMP Workout Program is for: https://trxtraveller.com/product/band-muscle-pump/ (Beginner - Intermediate level) An all rounder - total body fitness. Increase your functional fitness strength, burn fat and challenge your muscles to develop an all-round lean, toned physique. ▹ RELATED RESISTANCE BAND COACHING VIDEOS PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb3Kmt1u1P2BDfXuY9TjFWOumMB6yZwQ- Even if you don’t follow the Resistance Band Programs I hope you found it useful. Here’s to your Fitness Freedom! - Adam TRX Traveller ▹ Band exercising in:
Tags: resistance band exercises , resistance band workout , trxtraveller
See also: mobility , Dance fitness Routine , bullet journal , Video � , morning workout � , squats , fessiers , abdominal , perdre des cuisses , sixpack