'Video from Rajeev Chauhan. Here is a drill for improve speed,agility n strength...fitness is most important in cricket.. specially in fielding department..try to do this drill wd speed...Start wd buttkicker, high knee, both leg jumping, zic zack, squats jump then two short sprints....five tym repetition of drill is one set. #cricket #cricketcoaching #loseweight #reducebellyfat #tonebody #howtoslim #exersice #trainer #flattummy #abs #sixpackabs #workout #flexibility #workout #fitness #exercises #workouts #menshealth #womenshealth #functionaryfitness #betterthenyesterday #athlete #athletics #fitnessmotivation #hiit #Sundayfunday #yoga #aerobic'
Tags: Instagram@cricketwithrajeev
See also: game , fam , Fit Up , zyzz , mom fitness , pecs , bir , gym music , to lose weight , active fit