'F45 training TC High School Lady Cougar Basketball team workout'

Posted Jan 3, 2022

'F45 training TC High School Lady Cougar Basketball team workout'

'Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2ORIkYJ  Follow us on: Website: https://f45training.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/F45PearlandWest Twitter: https://twitter.com/F45PearlandWest Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/f45_training_pearland_west/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/f45trainingpearlandwest/pins/  About: F45 Training Pearland West is a team-based, functional training facility that places a huge emphasis on body transformations by using three key factors of motivation, innovation, and results. At F45, no program is ever repeated, making every workout a unique experience. The “F” stands for functional and the 45 stands for the length of the classes. Functional training is a classification of exercise which involves training the body for the activities performed in daily life. F45 Training combines elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T), Circuit Training, and Functional Training.  This combination of interval, cardiovascular, and strength training has been proven to be the most effective workout method for burning fat and building lean muscle.' 

Tags: F45 Training Pearland West

See also: wellness , shoulders , fitness routine , at home workout , gl , squat , shilpa shetty , goals , Personal Training , burn calories
