'PMF @Home Total Body Banded Workout 9'

Posted Apr 6, 2022

'Training can be done easily using a strong elastic based fitness band.  Not only can you use this at home, while you travel or even in the gym after you have finished doing major lifts and then want to superset it with the band.   The further away you stand from any band the harder the exercise. And using the band you’re able to train any part of the human body, from Push, Pull, to explosive jumping exercises. Bands are versatile and allow you to keep more resistance on your body than compared to only using your own weight and depending on the thickness of the band anyone from beginners to intermediate to advanced can challenge themselves.   Try to perform each exercise for 10/15 reps and continue to do so for 2 min until that joint and area are fully warmed up.  This will be your warm-up after you have done 5min of cardio and the PMF Dynamic Movement prep.  1- Shoulder Band Rotations  2-Rear Band Retractions  3-External Lateral Band Pulls 4-Internal Rotator Cuff Band Pulls  You can perform this workout 2 different ways:  a) You can complete the first 5 Exercises below for 20 reps each, followed by 60-sec rest, then complete the next 5 for 20 reps and 60 seconds rest.  or b) You can complete all 10 exercises from biggest to smallest muscle groups for 20 reps then take 1-2 min rest and repeat.  Once you have repeated all exercises with rest repeat 3x  1-Standing Vertical Back Retraction Rows 2-Standing Neutral Grip Retraction Rows 3-Elevated Banded Push-ups or Flat Banded Push-Ups 4-Standing Banded Hip Thrusts 5-Banded Squats  6-Standing Straight Arm Raises 7-Standing Shoulder Press 8-Standing Tricep Extensions 9-Side Plank Rear Shoulder Rows 10-Standing Bicep Curls   Once your done stretch grab a shake and congratulate-yourself  For more info or to reach us:   

Tags: Weight loss , exercise , Personal Training , strength , trainer , band , vaughan gym

See also: bradleymartyn , � compilation , journey , sixpack , zumba alternatives , thatwasepic , �Lean , top , YouTube , pull
