'Wing Chun Street Fight Fitness'

Posted Apr 20, 2023

'A small sample of the \" Street Fight Fitness\" training demonstrated by Adrian Li ( Instructor of Boston University Wing Chun) and three students at the Boston University Marsh Plaza.  Training program by Adrian Li ( myself),    inspired by my MMA training. Emphasis on developing intensive cardiovascular endurance and functional body strength.  Features Chi Sao and Wing Chun technique training after fitness.   Also featured is the Elevation Training Mask at Full resistance ( 18000) feet with Bane Sleeve.  Feels Like breath 1/6 of air.   Song - Ip man 2 soundtrack - teacher and student' 

Tags: fitness , Fight , street , College (TV Genre) , fights , Martial Arts (Sport) , wing chun (martial art) , Boston University (College/University)

See also: zyzz , transformation , inter , fun , outdoor training , lyrics , dance exercise , dead , TV , no equipment
