'Workout 3 AMRAP 15: 100 Double-Unders 80 Wallball Shots 60 Calorie Row 40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 30 Deadlifts 20 Deficit Strict Handstand Pushups Wallball Shots – 20/14 lbs or 9/6 kg to 10/9 ft Deadlifts – 225/155 lbs or 102.5/70 kg Deficit Strict Handstand Pushups (4”/2”) Score - 1 rd + 115 reps Got 15 wallballs in rd 2. A couple things to note: This was workout 3 but because WODProof didn’t update it wasn’t in the official qualifier timer selection and I inputted it as workout 22.2. Also because of that I used the timer selection from workout 1 which stopped at 12 minutes. I luckily had a backup timer in my video. Splits Dubz- 1:04 Wallballs- 3:54 Cal row- 7:02 C2B- 8:55 Deads-10:55 DEF Hspu- 12:57 Dubs- 14:26 Wallballs - 15 reps'
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