'Here I have several NFL athletes and GSP sponsored pros Julian Williams, Marquell Beckwith, and Joe Horn performing a single leg good morning jump with contralateral knee drive. This is a fantastic drill not only for crushing the entire posterior chain particularly the glutes and hamstrings but also for simultaneously working on unilateral power output, hip extension, knee drive, stability, balance, mobility, force absorption, and posture. It’s also a great drill for bulletproofing the back and spinal stabilizers. While the good morning exercise is an incredibly beneficial lower body hip hinge movement, many folks tend to feel it too much in the low back. The single leg variation not only tends to be more low back friendly due to the split leg position (where the back leg acts as a posterior counterweight to reduce anterior shear forces at the bottom) but also because of the significantly lighter loads employed to create a strong training stimulus. With that said, you’ll notice how the athletes here reach an approximately 90 degree torso angle which is ideal not only for this movement for most exercises that as it represents the most biomechanically sound position for both producing and absorbing force as well as one where you achieve maximal muscle activation and minimal joint stress. On a side note, I would have liked to see all the athletes pause longer in the bottom stretched position as this was intended to have a brief eccentric isometric protocol involved. Also Marquell could have had a slightly softer knee bend at impact to help with force absorption by more effectively engaging his hips and thighs. With that said if you’re looking for a training routine that maximizes strength, athletic performance, functional hypertrophy, speed, stability, power, mobility, body composition, conditioning, and just about every performance related attribute, I’m running a 24 hour sale on my Advanced 6-Day Split. Use code AHP6D at checkout to get 20% off. Link at https://www.advancedhumanperformance.com/advanced-six-day-split-training-program'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , workouts , bodybuilding , strength , glute workout , strength training , glutes workout , glutes , posture , functional training , resistance training , physical therapy , jump , powerlifting , hamstrings , Rehab , glute day , functional bodybuilding
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