'Hey 9Rounders! Are your owners and trainers here with us at 9Round World Headquarters learning tons of new tricks to bring back to you? We have a workout for you to do while your club is closed for the 2017 9Round World Convention! Do each of the following for one minute: 1. Jumping Jack, Touch Floor 2. Alternating Lunge Kicks 3. V-Sit Punches 4. 20 Quick Feet, Touch Ground 5. 5 Punches, 1 Butt Kicker 6. Plank Jacks 7. Side Jump, 3 Mountain Climbers 8. Bridge Shoulder Touches 9. \"Rope\" Pulls If you\'re feeling great after that, do each move two more times for 27 minutes of fat-blasting fun!'
See also: shopping , classic physique , Zoodles , maigrir , exercices , HD , 15分 , ufc , how to burn fat , 15分�