'New p90x: Chest Shoulders and Arms Review Xbox One Xbox Fitness Exclusive'

Posted Aug 3, 2021

'A quick video of the new p90x xbox one fitness videos that were just released. There at 5 videos that were custom made for xbox fitness app on xbox one.  FYI if you\'re in the US and arnt using it yet I would recommend signing up for Bing Rewards. I was able to pay for this workout using the xbox cash I earned for using Bing as a search engine.  Make sure you add me on xbox to compete against -  GT:  Uncle Jessy  My referral link - you get bonuses and I get bonuses  https://www.bing.com/explore/rewards?PUBL=REFERAFRIEND&CREA=RAW&rrid=_1845baae-88ba-69ce-8b36-52bcf8e10834' 

Tags: new , fitness , Workout , weight , exclusive , 360 , ONE , p90x , xbox

See also: work out , zumba alternatives , �truth � , challenge , functional fitness , il , �Get , lan , keto , body
