'Meeting Christian Guzman & Rob Lipsett | Alphalete World Tour | Chest Workout'

Posted Sep 9, 2021

'Check out what happened at the London leg of the Alphalete World Tour where we finally got to meet Christian Guzman, Rob Lipsett and many more!  Follow us on:  Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kaushandko/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KaushAndKo/' 

Tags: fitness , gym , motivation , exercise , weights , bodybuilding , london , chest , Physique , british , vlog , training , iifym , goals , Asian , gains , students , macros , aesthetics , vlogging , athletics , lifting , christian guzman , Brothers , alphalete , Hyde Park , world tour , student aesthetics , rob lipsett , ALPHALETE ATHLETICS , sri lankan , emily hayden , cg fitness

See also: maigre musclé , II , SPORT , crossfit games , choreo , tone , supplements , zumba alternatives , fitness tips , boxing
