'Best of Kelowna 2013 - H2O Adventure + Fitness Centre'

Posted Oct 20, 2021

'It\'s a popular place to go for locals and visitors alike, and in the inaugural Best of Kelowna competition, H20 Adventure + Fitness Centre won first place for best fitness facility and took home bronze as best tourist attraction.  To view the complete list of winners and nominees in the Best of Kelowna visit: http://bestof.welcometokelowna.com/' 

Tags: Kelowna , Okanagan , Best of Kelowna , H2O Fitness Centre , H2O Adventure + Fitness Centre , H2O Adventure & Fitness Centre , H2O Adventure Centre , Kelowna BC , Kelowna fitness , Kelowna waterslide , Kelowna pool , Kelowna (City/Town/Village) , Kelowna Now , KelownaNow , Welcome to Kelowna , WelcometoKelowna , Castanet.net

See also: Bikini , diet , yoga , Al , jeff seid , burpees , Fight , fitness journey , ho , gesund
