'This is an ancient Qigong(chi kong) from Taoism, called Jingang Gong, Which is the original form of Eight pieces of brocade posted on Youtube commonly. This Qigong has been taught secretly by centuries before 2000. We are lucky to get this Qigong from the great taoist master Zhang zhishun, who open this Qigong to Public, and spread it to more people over the world. By practising this Qigong, You can not only get strong physically, but also get internal organs balance to work together to prevent and treat diseases, which has been proved by people who practice it as daily routine. Please subscrible & like our channel if you like it, and also share this video to helo more people. Know more about our wellness retreat camp by this link. https://www.tianmengkungfuacademy.com/wellness-retreat-camp/ For More Pictures about the training life in Tianmeng, Please go to our instagarm page. www.instagram.com/tianmeng_kungfu'
Tags: qi gong , qigong , taoism , Chigong , Qigong for beginner , Qigong exercise , Qigong for energy , Qigong for detoxing , Qigong daily Routine , learn qigong in china , qigong healing retreat , exercise to improve wellness , exercise to improve immunity
See also: coaching , exerc , mens physique , katie dunlop , 2018 , harmelen , jeff seid , entrainement , zumba alternatives , 6 weeks