'Tala from www.talalifestyle.ca shows you how to safely do a split squat with several modifications. Split Squats are an excellent exercise to work your lower body and are a great addition to a circuit workout like the one found below. Visit http://healthishappiness.com for heathy recipes, workouts and more. Please leave a comment below. Circuit 1. Split Squat: 12-15 times per leg 2. Mountain climber: 20-60 times 3. Burpees: 6-12 times 4. Back Extension: 10-20 times per side'
Tags: Weight loss , circuit workout , Burpee (exercise)
See also: f one , at home workouts , dumbbel , to lose weight , pilates , fashion , abdominal , I m fat , 20分� 居家訓練 , Chris Hemsworth s Workout