'This is a brilliant way to train. I think that you could use this like a HIIT workout if you push yourself. This is my second time doing this workout. I\'m wearing a Polar M400 HR with Chest Strap. Monday 22nd August 2016 Session Score: 85,688 Training Time: 25 Minutes. Calories Burned: 329 Calories. Average Heart Rate: 158bpm (91%) Maximum Heart Rate: 183bpm (106%) ------------------------------------------------- Today\'s Score. Wednesday 24th August 2016 Session Score: 86,829 Training Time: 24 Minutes. Calories Burned: 349 Calories. Average Heart Rate: 172bpm (99%) Maximum Heart Rate: 186bpm (108%)'
Tags: fitness , xbox one , xbox , Zombies , kinect
See also: booty workout , Shredded � , platinumfitnessgym , glutes , ZUMBA , �guzman � , choreo , MICHAEL VAZQUEZ , Natural , ring fit