'\"HOW TO FOAM ROLL \"THIS VIDEO WAS FROM MY OLD YT CHANNEL SHOT LONG YEARS AGO. AS FOR MY FOLLOWERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA & THOSE WHOM TRAINED WITH ME LIVE, CAN RELATE, THAT I WILL ADMIT MY MISTAKES & KEEP IT \"AS IT IS\" RAW & REAL :) GENERAL FITNESS : www.Livefitonline.com TENNIS : www.TennisBPM.com COMBAT SPORTS : www.Strengthattack.com IG & Twitter @RanilHarhsana (COACHRAN) Note: 1) Do your due diligence and always get the approval of your Doctor or Physician prior to starting any exercie program , diet or using any products,servises or equipment 2) Commissions and other compensation will be earned via my affiliate links , products,sponsors endorsements , product display, reviews but not limited to. 3) I shall keep it straight up , any support to make this channel a success is highly appreciated 4) To be a part of this channel, make sure you do not discriminate anyone, kindly respect all , comments can be critical & swearing is allowed, be free and open, however any & all discriminating comments will be blocked ,deleted & reported. 5) This channel is meant for adults over 18years of age who are responsible this for information & entertainment purpose only 6) Always seek qualified, experienced coaches ,trainers & medical professionals in your respective country or region'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , wellness , muscle , muscles , training , FitFam , SPORT , stretching , warmup , MMA , flexibility , FitLife , kickboxing , Recovery , cooldown , myofascial release , fitnesslife , MuayThai , fitnesstips , smr , triggerpoint , HOW TO FORAM ROLL , HOW TO TRIGGER POINT , FOAMROLLERS , beactive
See also: taylor , mr. , best , personal , dar , entrainement , Big Rob , Der , bench press , martyn